
Zoe Torinesi’s Leek and onion quiche with bacon

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Ingredients for 4 servings

Ingredients for a round quiche with a diameter of approx. 30 cm 

140 g bacon cubes 
▶︎ 200 g leeks, cut into rings
▶︎ 300 g onions, sliced
▶︎ 1 tsp salt 
▶︎ 1.5 tbsp flour 
▶︎ 0.6 dl white wine 
▶︎ 2 tsp fresh thyme leaves 
▶︎ ½ tsp paprika
▶︎ A little nutmeg 
▶︎ Some freshly ground black pepper 
▶︎ 1 round pie crust/shortcrust pastry (not puff pastry!), straight out of the fridge 
▶︎ Or you can make your own pastry (recipe here)

▶︎ 200 g cottage cheese 
▶︎ 1 egg 
▶︎ 1 clove of garlic 
▶︎ 0,3 dl whole milk
▶︎ 80 g grated Emmentaler AOP chees

Star of the dish
Emmentaler AOP Réserve/Surchoix
  1. Briefly fry the bacon cubes in a large pan without oil until the fat starts to render. Add the leeks and salt and sauté over a medium heat for three minutes. Add the sliced onions and continue to sauté until they start to turn translucent.

  2. Stir in the flour, cook for another minute, and then deglaze with the white wine. Add the thyme and spices, and simmer until the white wine has evaporated. Remove the pan from the heat and leave the contents to cool for at least 10 minutes.

  3. Blend all ingredients for the filling, and then combine with the cooled leek and onion mixture in the pan.

  4. Take the pastry out of the fridge just before adding the filling so that it is as cold as possible. Place the pastry on the baking tray, lined with the baking paper, and prick several times with a fork. Spread the contents of the pan over the cold pastry base. Fold down the edge of the crust so that it is slightly higher than the quiche filling, to prevent the latter from spilling over.

  5. Bake the quiche for approx. 37 to 40 minutes on the bottom shelf of the oven, which should be preheated to 220°C (top/bottom heating).  

  6. Allow to cool for at least 5, preferably 10 minutes before serving. Best served with a fresh side salad. 
«Enjoy your meal»
Bildschirmfoto 2022-03-23 um 11.47.57
«Finely sliced Emmentaler AOP Cave-aged is best eaten in a “Caveman” cheeseburger: with a light spelt bun and a slice of tomato, some fried onions and a spoonful of crème fraîche.»
Monika Bösch, Cheese Sommelière, GenussImpuls GmbH


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Zoe Torinesi's Leek and onion quiche with bacon

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