
Zoe Torinesis Christmas trees with Emmentaler AOP & ham

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Ingredients for approx. 10 trees

  • 2 pieces of puff pastry rolled out to rectangles of approx. 25 x 40 cm
  • 70 g cream cheese
  • 1.5 80 g packs of wafer-thin Emmentaler AOP slices
  • 180–200 g sliced, cooked ham (e.g. country ham)
  • 10 wooden skewers
Star of the dish
Emmentaler AOP Mild/Classic

Tip: remove all ingredients from the fridge just before getting started – this will make it easier to shape the trees.

  1. Lay out a piece of puff pastry horizontally with the longer side pointing towards you.
  2. Spread the dough with cream cheese, add the wafer-thin Emmentaler AOP slices and top with a layer of ham.
  3. Using a pizza wheel or long knife, cut the dough lengthwise (i.e. horizontally) into strips 2–2.5 cm wide.
  4. Line a baking tray with baking paper and preheat the oven to 200 °C upper/lower heat.
  5. Zigzag the dough strips, starting wide then getting narrower (see photo); secure with the wooden skewers from the bottom upwards.
  6. Bake for approx. 20 minutes until the trees are golden brown, then leave to cool completely on the tray.
  7. If you want, you can cut out stars from another piece of dough for decoration. Bake them separately, for less time than the trees (the small stars would burn if put on the same tray).

Tip for avoiding food waste: top the remaining dough with the leftover ingredients, twist the dough into a long rope and cut this rope into slices to form spirals. Bake these as well.

«Enjoy your meal»
Bildschirmfoto 2022-03-23 um 11.47.57
«Finely sliced Emmentaler AOP Cave-aged is best eaten in a “Caveman” cheeseburger: with a light spelt bun and a slice of tomato, some fried onions and a spoonful of crème fraîche.»
Monika Bösch, Cheese Sommelière, GenussImpuls GmbH


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