
Potato stir-fry with Emmentaler AOP

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Ingredients for 4 servings

1 kg firm potatoes
3 tbsp hazelnuts
100 g bacon strips
1 ½ tbsp cooking butter
1 ½ tbsp olive oil
2 bunches spring onions
½ bunch marjoram
200 g Emmentaler AOP

Star of the dish
Emmentaler AOP Extra

Peel the potatoes, boil for 6-8 minutes in salt water until they are just cooked. Drain and cut into thin slices of about 3 mm.

Roughly chop the hazelnuts. Gently toast in a large frying pan for a couple of minutes, then remove from pan. Fry the bacon until crispy without adding any extra fat, then remove from pan. Heat the butter and olive oil. Add the potatoes to the pan and fry for 10-12 minutes over a high heat, try not to turn them too frequently.

Cut the bulbs of the spring onions into quarters or halves. Cut the stalks into 2 cm long pieces. Add both to the potatoes, season with salt and pepper. Cook over a low heat for a further 10 minutes, turning from time to time.

Pick the majoram leaves from the stalk. Cut the Emmentaler AOP into 1 cm sized cubes. Mix the cheese cubes, nuts, bacon and majoram with the potatoes. Reheat all ingredients together, until the cheese just begins to melt.

«Enjoy your meal»
Bildschirmfoto 2022-03-23 um 11.47.57
«Finely sliced Emmentaler AOP Cave-aged is best eaten in a “Caveman” cheeseburger: with a light spelt bun and a slice of tomato, some fried onions and a spoonful of crème fraîche.»
Monika Bösch, Cheese Sommelière, GenussImpuls GmbH


Zoe Torinesis Christmas trees with Emmentaler AOP & ham

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