
Onions filled with potatoes and bacon

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Ingredients for 4 servings

500 g floury potatoes
6 large mild onions, about 200g
120 g bacon cubes
2 sprigs thyme
1 sprig marjoram
1 dl full-fat or single cream
3-4 dl stock
200 g Emmentaler AOP
Pepper, nutmeg

Star of the dish
Emmentaler AOP Mild/Classic

Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes and cook in salted water until very soft. Meanwhile, peel and halve the onions. Remove the inside of the onions until the two outer layers and chop finely. Lightly fry the bacon cubes, add the chopped onions, thyme and marjoram leaves. Sweat all the ingredients together, then deglaze with cream and 1 dl stock, cook for around 5 minutes.

Finely grate the Emmentaler AOP. Drain the potatoes and mash with a fork. Stir the potatoes and ¾ of the cheese into the onion mixture. Season to taste with salt, pepper and nutmeg.

Fill the hollowed out onions with the mixture, place in a gratin dish and pour on the stock. Cover with aluminium foil and bake in the centre of a hot oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes. Remove the aluminium foil, sprinkle the remaining cheese over the onions and brown for a further 20 minutes.

«Enjoy your meal»
Bildschirmfoto 2022-03-23 um 11.47.57
«Finely sliced Emmentaler AOP Cave-aged is best eaten in a “Caveman” cheeseburger: with a light spelt bun and a slice of tomato, some fried onions and a spoonful of crème fraîche.»
Monika Bösch, Cheese Sommelière, GenussImpuls GmbH


Emmentaler button spaetzle pan

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Emmentaler bread salad with fruity sauce

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