
Bruschetta with sprouts and scrambled egg

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Ingredients for


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  • radishes
  • chives
  • eggs
  • grated Emmentaler AOP
  • sprout mix, e.g. wheat, chickpea and lentil sprouts
  • bread, large
  • garlic clove
  • butter
  • as desired: salt, pepper
Star of the dish
Emmentaler AOP Mountain Mild/Classic

Cut the radishes in thin rounds. Cut the chive in rolls. Whisk the eggs. Mix the eggs with chive, cheese and sprouts. Season with salt and pepper.

Toast the bread until crispy in a frying pan without fat. Remove the toasted bread and rub it all over with the garlic clove. Melt the butter. Pour in the egg mixture and cook over a low heat moving it around the pan using a spatula. As soon as the mixture begins to get firm, distribute equally over the slices of bread. Place the radishes on top and sprinkle with pepper.

«Enjoy your meal»
Bildschirmfoto 2022-03-23 um 11.47.57
«Finely sliced Emmentaler AOP Cave-aged is best eaten in a “Caveman” cheeseburger: with a light spelt bun and a slice of tomato, some fried onions and a spoonful of crème fraîche.»
Monika Bösch, Cheese Sommelière, GenussImpuls GmbH


Muffin wrapped in bacon

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