Cheesy Inspiration

EURO Hungary–Switzerland

This is how it works:

Fans will be delighted by a cheeseboard with the Swiss and Hungarian national flags when they visit to watch Switzerland’s first match at the EURO 2024 championships. This colourful cheeseboard with a football made with Emmentaler AOP and olives is a brilliant kick-off to an entertaining evening of football and an exciting EURO championship.

Use a round wood chopping board as a base and cut five hexagonal slices of Emmentaler AOP. To create the football, place thinly sliced black olives in the centre and position the cheese slices around the outside. Place more olive slices in the gaps around the outer edge to create a circle.

EMMENTALER hungaryswitzerland 2 copyNow position two rosemary sprigs each above and below the football in a horizontal position. Finish off by placing three tomato halves in the colour combination green-yellow-green respectively above and below the rosemary.

For Hungary’s national colours use square pieces of red pepper, sliced radish and thin cucumber slices cut in half. Arrange them in that order from top to bottom, placing them to the left of the cheeseboard.

For the Swiss national colours place squares of red pepper to the right of the cheeseboard and position a white cross made from sliced radish in the centre.

If you arrange the national colours in three horizontal lines one below the other, you can nibble on the national flags of Hungary and Switzerland at your drinks reception.

Emmentaler AOP Mild/Classic
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