
Village cheese dairies for generations

Taste lovingly produced by hand

3258 Duerrenbuehl MG 6892 @2x
3258 Duerrenbuehl MG 6892 @2x

«Making cheese for Emmentaler AOP means embracing traditional craftsmanship with passion.»

Verlauf Kaeserei

Emmentaler AOP is still made by hand in almost 100 village and Alpine cheese dairies in Switzerland, as it was way back when. Our cheese makers produce a quality product that only gets the original Emmentaler AOP seal thanks to their extensive expertise and loving commitment, and a great deal of time.

What goes into Emmentaler AOP:
of fresh raw milk
0 %
maturation days
(at least)
0 /7
loving commitment
Delicious insights
A day in the life of a cheese dairy
Exclusively in the original language
3588 Lanterswil DSC03010 @2x

«Every piece of cheese reveals its place of origin – thanks to its unique cheese dairy number.»

Who made your cheese?

Find out who made your piece of Emmentaler AOP: enter the cheese dairy number, name of the cheese maker or name of the cheese dairy.

Unfortunately, we have not found a cheese dairy for this cheese number.

All village cheese dairies

At a glance
Emmentaler AOP Kaeserei Hoehe 2
Alfred und Barbara Schenk-Zysset

Cheese dairy Höhe

CH 3205
Cheese dairy number
Emmentaler AOP Käserei Niedermuhlern
Erich Thomet

Cheese dairy Niedermuhlern

CH 3190
Cheese dairy number
Emmentaler AOP Käserei Bleienbach
Markus Spycher

Cheese dairy Bleienbach

CH 3059
Cheese dairy number
Cheese stories

Interesting facts and news

Emmentaler AOP

Cheese house

Emmentaler AOP

How do the holes get into the cheese?

Crispy, salty and very tasty

Streetfood with Emmentaler AOP

So finden Sie die Käsereinummer

Die Käsereinummer steht auf der Laibetikette auf der Rinde Ihres Emmentaler AOP Käsestücks. Bei der Sorte Emmentaler AOP Mild/Classic ist sie besonders gut lesbar. Bei länger gereiften Sorten kann sie durch die dunkle Rinde leicht unleserlich oder sogar abgeschabt sein.

Haben Sie die individuelle Käsereinummer gefunden, können Sie mit ihr herausfinden, welche Käserei in der Schweiz Ihr Käsestück  gemacht hat. Geben Sie jetzt die Nummer im Suchfeld ein und erfahren Sie den Ursprungsort Ihres handgemachten Emmentaler AOP.

Käse Stück mit Einzeichnung, wo die Käsereinummer zu finden ist.


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Quick access

How to find the cheese dairy number

The cheese dairy number can be found on the wheel label on the rind of your piece of Emmentaler AOP cheese. It is clearly legible on Emmentaler AOP Mild/Classic. On more mature varieties, it may be illegible through the dark rind or may have even rubbed off. Once you’ve located the individual cheese dairy number, you can use it to find out which Swiss cheese dairy made your piece of cheese. Now enter the number in the search box and discover the place of origin of your hand-made Emmentaler AOP.