
Dairy farmers
with passion

The guardians of the white gold

Handwerk Milchbauern Maettu freisteller@2x
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«The secret of the best raw milk lies
in our fresh grass and hay.»

Emmentaler AOP is made from natural raw milk that is produced in close proximity to the cheese dairy. The farms are often family businesses that are passionately devoted to their small herds, with an average of just 26 animals. Our dairy farmers know all their cows by name and look after them personally every day.
The well-being of their animals is their top priority – because Bella, Fiona and Nina only produce the very best raw milk when they are fit and healthy.

This is what Emmentaler AOP dairy herds enjoy:
0 %
natural feed
At lest 1
personal herder
days per year when they are free to roam
a great deal of love and attention

In rhythm with their cows

A day in the life of a dairy farmer

Click on the hours now and watch the video to experience the daily routine of an Emmentaler AOP dairy farmer.

To produce the best raw milk,

you have to get up early

Local and fresh:

raw milk
is collected

Play time for the cows:

out into the fields

Regionally produced:

on first-name terms
with the cheese maker

Personal attention for the animals:

cattle cuddles

Cows have a good life:

animal welfare check

Fresh hay and grass:

just in time for supper

Made from natural raw milk

Freshness you can taste
For every Emmentaler AOP speciality, our dairy farmers deliver fresh, natural raw milk to the cheese dairies in their region every day. By the way, Emmentaler AOP can also be made from 100% organic milk that is produced according to the strict Bio Suisse sustainability standards. Or from exquisite Alpine milk that is produced at over 600 metres above sea level. Enjoy the subtle difference.
Cheese stories

Interesting facts and news

Emmentaler AOP

New Year’s Eve

Emmentaler AOP


Exemplary animal protection law

Space to roam